All sorts of coding related that may touch on things about the web, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
The perfect image lazy loading
Lazy loading has seen some insane amounts of over-engineering around it in the past few years. -
Should I ever have a role="button"?
This accessibility related post explores valid use cases for role="button" in HTML (in React lens).
Writings about games, most likely old games.
Introduction to HoMM III in 2020
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A look into various ways to play this classic game on modern day machines, and with more content.
Modding games and reverse engineering is something I occasionally love to do!
Palettes of The Settlers II
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Some basics about the palettes in The Settlers II Gold Edition. -
Palette of HoMM II
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Information on the palette in the Heroes of Might and Magic II. -
Palettes of TTD
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Transport Tycoon Deluxe has DOS and Windows palettes.